Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Eating for Two Again


The long-awaited baby has arrived. The test kit provided me with relief. A trip to the gynae confirmed it. The nauseating feeling and constant bloating are testament to that.

Luckily, the ultrasound could not detect any cyst.

And this is definitely a different pregnancy than the first. For starters, the morning sickness was milder in comparison and this baby has a distinct taste for sour and salty food. I was crazy about apples in the first, and now they are secondary. Fish and seafood are acceptable – especially assam pedas. Who would have thought that the thought of maggi mee would have me salivating? Just the other day, I enjoyed teochew porridge two days in a row. Appetite is getting better as opposed to the previous 1st trimester when I could eat nothing without puking.

My back hurts more too when I stand too long or busy myself with simple housework like washing the dishes. The short walk from the car park to my office is quite exhausting and I would end up panting up the stairs.

Now my trips to the shopping mall would be complete with actually having the reason to enter maternity clothing stores then just gazing from outside! Must be more trendy this time. Oh yes, time to start washing the old clothes.

I am now hoping that the 1st trimester (the crucial stage) go smoothly and quickly. And Chinese New Year will be the best time with food in abundance. See how foresighted this baby is?!

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and to God for this wish come true. This blog has finally kicked off.

1 comment:

WMD: Wife, Mother, Daughter said...

Firstly congratulations on the second baby.

Secondly, thanks for dropping by over at my blog.

Thirdly, little did I know that by coming over to your blog and Joshua's I am reading a blog of someone I know(Jeffrey). The blogroll in Joshua's got me curious when I saw familiar names-
We all have one thing in common CUS.

I am 2 or 3 years senior to Jeffrey.